There are many parts to the work we do, and there are many ways for you to support us. 

Uthingo Network is a registered Public Benefit Organisation, PBO no: 930006636, which has been approved for purposes of section 18A(1)(a) of the Act, and donations to the organisation are tax deductible in terms of and subject to the limitations prescribed in section 18A of the Income Tax Act. 

The deductible portion of the donation is capped at 10% of the donor’s taxable income. An excess donation may be rolled over with donor companies as a deductible donation in the subsequent tax assessment year.

The tax deduction only applies to voluntary donations, gratuitous gifts given out of generosity, without reciprocal obligations or the opportunity of personal benefit for the donor, e.g. an entry into a golf day or any other competition. 

Financial and in-kind donations are tax-deductible; however, donation of services or second-hand goods is not. To determine if your donation will be tax deductible, read Clause 10 of the SARS Basic Guide to Section 18A Approval.

Debit Order
My School

Bank: Standard Bank
Account name: Uthingo Network
Account number: 333301927
Branch code: 040727
Swift code: SBZAZAJJ
Reference: Name & surname